
Tankfordon som anpassas för att höja lönsamheten

Good transport economy contributes to reduced environmental impact

As a company, we want to contribute to creating sustainable transport solutions. We have a long-term perspective, and we strive to reduce both our and our customers’ impact on the environment.

Our focus is on developing and manufacturing energy- and environmentally efficient transport vehicles with optimized solutions for the entire life cycle. Low tara weights and increased load capacities are a significant part of the environmental savings and this generates a positive effect on both the environment and our customers’ transport economy.

Our sustainability system sets out the guidelines for our daily work. Here we document and follow up energy and water consumption as well as waste. We follow and apply current environmental legislation, ordinances and regulations and work closely with the municipal environmental association to ensure that instructions and guidelines are fully complied. 

Environmentally certified and environmentally classified products are prioritized in procurement and we currently work with suppliers who have EU RoHS, REACH, ECHA and GMP certificates etc.